That is, Cynthia Nixon, I sort of made a fool out of myself. I didn’t know what to do, but say hi. Mind you celebrities bore me (until I become one, of course). They bore me because I never have anything in common with them, they are people, I know their image (Celeb recognition), I’ve gotten better with that, but beyond the character they play, I can never truly know them. In any case.
Back in the day; when I was an hotelier. I’ve escorted a very inflated Pamela Anderson to her room and was trapped in an elevator with Ed Harris; I witnessed the multiple personality of Rosanne and managed to survive. Celebs mostly, quite often do nothing to my libido. I’ve seen them as weary travelers checking in.
I’m no good at small talk, let alone starting a conversation with most people, yes this is me being self deprecating, so actually meeting celebs ... not my shinning moment.
Finally, after a few drinks, I summed up the courage. You see I like Cynthia Nixon, I loved her character in Sex in the City and also love Warm Springs on HBO, here versatility as an actress rocks. In any case, I’d actually like to talk to her; in my mind having a real conversation with her would be great. Yet that was the fantasy land of Alex.
What really happened, after I got the courage to part the lesbians that surrounded here, apparently they travel in packs just like gay boys. I went up to her, said “I love your work” she said “thank you” with a smile that made me feel like a puppy dog that just dragged in a bluebird. I sulked away and had another cocktail.
She was gracious, besides what was I going to expect? I always think it’s odd to think that someone knows someone else from a flickering image on a fiber optic screen.
Then I had my party epiphany, maybe therapy is actually working for me. To some degree or another, I will be the fabulous one at the party, or not. Mostly not. There are different degrees of mingling and worlds within New York. Everyone at the party, they exist like a Mondrian painting, more like a skeleton then a real person. They’re chilling, sucking on cocktails, trying to make the most out of their world.
The party was at Home to benefit Hourglass, a theater production company, I noticed that the Greenwell Foundation, a foundation who I've been in contact with gave them a grant to support the production of Trouble in Paradise, I've talked to them and they said they don't sponsor individual artists, yet they will consider a grant to produce my work from a production company that they liked. I don't know weather to be bitter or hopeful. In any case....
Once again I have to thank Chip for inviting me to a party I actually wanted to go to. Thanks Chip.