The paint is drying much slower today. I’m over the novelty of the moment. I hope they don’t call my name. I hope they don’t call my name, I hope they don’t call my name.
The plan, if they do. As I told a friend. If they call my name, I’ll tell them that all people who’ve drank cool-aid, need to be fined a million dollars (this is civil court, I can’t jail them) Yes; that’s what I’ll do. I hate all people that drink cool-aid.
I wonder what would happen if the judge found this blog post, maybe that would get me kicked off the jury. That would mean that the judge was gay. To many weird thoughts. Much too weird even for me.
Isn't this the time I should be pondering about the grander meaning of jury duty or something like that.
Fuck, I got called for Jury Duty, too! But on the 28th. People need to stop committing crimes so I don't have to be inconvenienced by their trials. But part of me is looking forward to getting a break from work.
I'll just wear my white hood. That'll probably make me the most popular guy there.
Posted by: gothamwhore | March 17, 2006 at 04:07 PM