After being very fearful for a while, about my four year workhorse dell. I'm afraid, have been for a while that it was going to simply give out on me. I called Dell and discovered that they could offer me 0% financing for 18 months.
So yes. I have it a proud new notebook computer. Something quite practical. It's nice I'm really excited by it. It's going to be fun carrying a computer to coffee shops as well as my palm.
I have lots of work to set it up properly and I don't have all the software I need. A wonderful reader donated Microsoft office to me. It's really all I need, the rest is just fluff. I am a writer after all.
I have to runaway now and work on a few computer related things. I've spent all day trying to figure it out and update my software. When I'm done. I'll be really really excited with my new toy.