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Okay, today I have a lead on a cute little bistro in the village, that has good food, doesn't abuse waitstaff and has no more then twenty tables. I'm looking forward to it. My friend works for them and really likes the place.
I don't know if the bistro will work out. Yet I need to find a source of income. I think the unemployment people are going to rule in The Moderns favor. So that means that I'll have had no income for the past few weeks and will be in serious limbo. I also feel bad because I can't work on my writing with the fervor I need so I can succeed.
UGH. I think it's so wrong, Just so wrong, that I could be fired over such stupidity. I just feel like there is this wrong thing, that I have to do something about and I don't know what that is.
If you get the job, be sure to e-mail me the name/location of the place, especially if you're there for lunch. Maybe I could stop by. I'm a good tipper! :)
Posted by: Jess | March 29, 2006 at 09:37 PM