So I'm becoming fond of a new game as I hang out in bars. Ladies and gentleman, drum roll please. Let's play "What will he do?”
I enjoy people watching and making up random stories about my fellow bar hoppers. I mean the standard bar night in New York, comprises of hipsters, star fuckers, glamour Nazis and sometimes if I'm really lucky, a few normal people.
On a note about boys I've hooked up with: I was hanging out in a downtown bar and he walked in, lank and cute. He's one of the few people that has mentioned to me, if I hook up with the same person twice I feel like a slut. I shrug and move on. I saw he was on a date, a first date to be exact. It was interesting watching his body and posture as he tried to interact with a guy. Well the guy didn't look his type, they were oddly mismatched. They never once made eye contact with each other. Finally they left the bar, to who knows where. I went on to ponder the other people in the room.
A guy that's very young. Is wearing a suit, drinking a beer, talking to a girl he hasn't moved from his bar stool the entire time I've been in the bar. He's also making eye contact, trying to get me to come and talk to him. I don't understand why he won't take the few passes across the bar. I just sip my cocktail playfully. Returning his gaze.
Another couple. We'll I'm close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation. One guy is trying to hook up with the other guy. Trying to convince him to come to his place. They’re both drunk and the clock hasn't hit nine. Call me old fashion; yet I don't like to be sloppy by nine. At least not in public. They make out. Yet I wonder, will they hook up, will the guy cave in and find his way into bed.
I'm also watching a serial dater fast at work. He's a very rare type of guy: the ugly cute guy with confidence. He knows he's cute and flaunts it. He also seems to pick guys, that, aren't more attractive them him and are also short. I don't know why he's into short guys, yet he is. As one guy leaves the bar, he gives himself a few minutes and then approaches the next guy. I can't help wondering how many numbers he'll pick up.
So yes, this is my newest game. "What Will He Do?"
He'll find temporal happiness. They're always about that; all these bar men, all these dancers of the drink.
Posted by: Ikaterina | February 17, 2006 at 05:25 PM
Hmmm....what's an "ugly cute guy." With confidence no less? I wonder if I am one.
Posted by: Jason | February 22, 2006 at 11:45 PM