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I started reading your Blog today when I found it accidentally after typing "gay" in the Search Blog Box.
I find it interesting and I really like it.
Wish you the best ;-)


How are you doing on your Pledge Drive? How much have you collected? Will you provide an accounting of the funds you receive?

I discovered your blog while searching for Daniel V sightings. I've been reading it daily now for a week or so. I live in Seattle, but I really enjoy reading your view from the other coast!


i sometimes respond to pledge drives...
but not if the money goes straight to typepad - while there are dozends better and free blog hosters out there (wordpress.com, blogger, etc)

why not switch?


This is my response to the above comment. The email provided was not valid, under the sites comment policy I would normally delete such a comment, yet I thought it important to address this readers concern.

Thank you for responding, right now I need to stay with Typepad simply because I don't have the infrastructure to host my own blog. I also don't know a whole lot about computers and Typepad has worked very well for me. Out of all the hosting programs I checked out, when I started this was a good fit. One of my long term goals is to redesign the site to make it more user friendly, i.e. the need to fundraise. So the cycle continues and well. I'd much rather write then worry about hosting then the need to raise funds.

Yes I know Typepad gets a percentage, much more then I thought. I'll be taking steps to move away from them when I can. Right now I'm in the process of applying for grants. Much of what's needed is documented proof of donations. Typepad does just that, it's quite transparent. The board of trustees for various foundations are looking for a "mosaic of support" That's the main reason I started doing pledge drives so I can submit foundation applications to support my writing and be able to finish developing my play and novel. So any contribution goes a long way, even though Typepad gets a bigger portion then I would like. For me it's all about the larger goal.

Please check out www.alexgeana.com as well.

Thanks for reading and sharing your concerns.

And to everyone that has donated, thank you so very much.

Alex Geana.

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