It’s that time. When I ask all of you wonderful people that read this site to send me lots of love. So please click on the donate button and give.
I’m not going to bore you with woes like other pledge drives. The reason I’m doing this is to try and work harder on my writing career. It’s important, it’s just the rules our society has set up. I must eat. Money buys food. To have money I must contribute in some way. Simple as that. So I ask you too support art freely. I'm also trying to raise money for membership with The Field. It's an artist support group, they have rehearsal space and a grant database I want access to. By being able to become a part of the playwriters and artists community I hope to finally get my craft to an audience.
In return you get a big virtual hug from me; you keep me writing and encourage my growth as a writer. I truly do want to be a pro one day. I want to make it, Liza; I want my light to shine in the New Yorker (ah, and Broadway). Only way I’m going to do that, is by having time to write. A yet unsubsidized venture by the federal government; mind you they don’t mind building bridges to nowhere, yet artists…. well we all now the controversy. So yes with the funds I raise from this Drive I plan on buying cheap Scotch so I can write and continue work on not only my site but on my short stories, novel and play as well.
For my pro writing please check out
Click on the button and give generously, it means a lot.
Thanks for reading and much virtual love.